Iran came third in the competition, held in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Calicut Heroes of India captured the maiden title in the Championship after a dramatic 3-1 win against host Help Nepal Sports Club in the highly-anticipated showdown at Tripureswor Hall on Saturday.
The Dream Team positions included Mubashar Raza of HNC as the first Best Outside Hitter, Erin Vargaese of Calicut Heroes as the second Best Outside Hitter, Iran Club’s Mohammed Nima Bateni took the first Best Middle Blocker, Shikhar Singh of Calicut Heroes won the second Best Middle Blocker. The Best Opposite Player Award went to Amir Naderi Noureyni of Iran Club, while Adnan Khan of HNC claimed Best Setter and Mahdi Sakhavi of Iran Club secured Best Libero.
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